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The Art of Spanda - naturopathic sound therapy

The Art of Spanda is an integrated therapeutic healing method. It synthesises several disciplines i.e. Naturopathy, Sound therapy and Psychosocial coaching.  The method works with the fundamental belief that, given the right conditions, the whole person has an innate ability to heal itself. Rather than focusing on a collection of individual symptoms, we consider a person as a whole – body, mind and spirit and also (social) environment. 

Art of Spanda considers five areas of treatment, namely the spiritual, the mental, the emotional, the social and the physical.

Together with our clients, we seek to identify and treat the root cause of any symptoms, physical or mental. We do not only aim to heal but we also teach our knowledge. 

The psychosocial element of the method comprises a diverse range of approaches to help people look at their problems, experiences and perceptions in a way that allows them to broaden their attitudes and perspectives towards life. 

We address physical issues, but these are often the result of stress complaints, relationship problems, parenting and family problems and grief.

Problems crop up when situational changes occur, such as divorce, loss of a loved one, illness, increasing workload or dismissal.

These problems are often accompanied by anxiety, anger and depressive feelings, but express themselves in a milder form than psychiatric problems and are often accompanied by physical symptoms.   

With the right guidance, that healthy core is addressed, resilience will be activated, change opportunities will be used and self-reliance is the result. Dysfunctional patterns of thinking, feeling and doing, which are often linked to the past, are broken through, making the head lighter, pain softened, mildness emerges and fears disappear.

Moods improve, relationships optimise, conflicts are resolved, daily activities can be carried out. Live comes more into flow as we get more in touch with ourselves.

In short: one's own (healing) potential is maximised!

Here is also where this method's integrated sound therapy really shines and seamlessly fits in with the naturopathic approach.
The Art of Spanda uses vibrations and frequencies of sounds to synchronise brainwaves and facilitate enhanced states of consciousness!

This creates a deep sense of relaxation that is crucial for healing, not only physical tension but also psychosocial issues that plague the client.

Sound can gently bring us in states alike those used in hypnotherapy. Sound also stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and amygdala which is something used in various methods in the field of psychotherapy. Sound therapy supports our mental, emotional and spiritual being and sound and music is very pleasurable and gentle.


With the aim to identify and correctly assess the clients' complaints, a thorough intake interview takes place before the actual treatment. During this exploration, the focus is on the root causes of the clients problems they wish to solve.

In many cases, these are often long-hidden problems, or non processed experiences from our past. Based on the results of the intake session, the most appropriate form of support is then chosen together with the client.

This may involve a particular method of treatment or a combination of various forms of treatment such as dietary advice, various relaxation methods, meditation practices, conversation therapies, sound therapy, manual therapy, reflexology techniques and even psychosocial or spiritual counselling.  

A deeper dive in the treatment process at art of Spanda: The four phases of healing.

The Art of Spanda method considers four phases that lead to healing or positive change. 



When a person wants to work on his health problem, it is important to face reality. In doing so, we will help our clients reach acceptance of their problems through relaxation, mindfulness and meditation. Without acceptance, no further development on help is possible.
Sound comes in at this stage of the treatment to relax and dissociate from our problems that exist in our minds and learn to connect to our feelings.  



In this treatment phase, the client is taught to get rid of his or her spiritual limitations, his faulty thinking problems and her physical toxins. To get to the core of his problems, one must also be able to let go of certain events. Letting go of our stories, becoming aware of our traumas and the behaviour it causes in our daily life, that leads to our symptoms is a crucial step in your own healing process. Sound helps here to relax tissues that are hardened by stress. Often these knots have stored emotions that we can no longer release. We lose contact with our body. Sound helps re-establish this connection.  Out of the mind back into our bodies is the goal. 


Openness & Resilience: 

We will further encourage the client to be more open in future. This openness is necessary to live a healthier and more balanced life. It results in physical and mental resilience. 
Having the means to dissociate from our stories, our subconscious beliefs limit us in so many ways. With sound we can access the subconscious and reprogram our limiting beliefs. We can rewrite our stories in this phase and reconnect to our values. With these values we will find new direction, a new compass to navigate with through life.



When we have learned to accept our current situation, our body has been rid of all toxins and one is sufficiently open to a natural solution to our health problem, the client is ready for the final stage, which is to receive the appropriate nourishment. This includes not only healthy and physical nutrition which seems obvious, but also, and maybe even more so, emotional nourishment including adjusted relationships, increased confidence, etc., mental nourishment or the ability to look at the world in a different way, as well as spiritual nourishment.

By going through the process, we learn to reconnect to our values and act in accordance with them. This leads to manifesting a life consciously and purposefully as opposed to life ‘happening to us’ giving us the same lessons over and over again. 

If you would like to learn more about what we do, try out a single session, or find out if this is for you, then feel free to give us a call or send us an email. You can find our contact details at the bottom of this page.

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